Unraveling a Mysterious Murder Plot in So Help Me Todd Season 2 Episode 4

In the fourth episode of So Help Me Todd Season 2, Todd finds himself caught up in a potential murder conspiracy, while Margaret tries to impress the Lee sisters. As the pieces of the puzzle come together, a gripping climax reveals the truth. Don't miss this thrilling legal drama!

Unraveling a Mysterious Murder Plot in So Help Me Todd Season 2 Episode 4

Unraveling a Mysterious Murder Plot in So Help Me Todd Season 2 Episode 4 - -850931157

( Credit to: Whattowatch )

The fourth episode of So Help Me Todd Season 2 delves into a thrilling plot as Todd finds himself entangled in a potential murder conspiracy. With Margaret juggling the task of convincing the Lee sisters to hire their firm, she must also grapple with Todd's claims of overhearing a murder plot. As the episode unfolds, the pieces of the puzzle start to come together, leading to a gripping climax.

Unraveling a Mysterious Murder Plot in So Help Me Todd Season 2 Episode 4 - -1732621828

( Credit to: Whattowatch )

Todd's Appendicitis Leads to an Unexpected Discovery:

The episode kicks off with Todd experiencing severe pain in his side, which is diagnosed as appendicitis. Margaret accompanies him to the hospital, where Todd wakes up to find himself sharing a room with a mysterious man. In his groggy state, Todd overhears the man uttering words like 'murder,' 'Pelican,' and 'judge,' fueling his belief that a judge's life is in danger.

The Lee Sisters: A Hard Sell

Margaret's attention is divided between Todd's claims and impressing the Lee sisters, who are potential clients. Mildred and Tillie Lee, seemingly sweet elderly women, prove to be tough customers. They express dissatisfaction with the firm, Margaret's presentation, and even the coffee. Margaret finds herself struggling to convince them that her firm is capable of handling their needs.

Allison's Doubt and Todd's Desperate Attempt

Allison, Todd's girlfriend, dismisses his claims of overhearing a murder plot, further fueling his frustration. Determined to be taken seriously, Todd uses a landline phone to contact Margaret and share his concerns. However, Margaret is preoccupied with the Lee sisters, leaving Todd feeling unheard and desperate to uncover the truth.

Margaret's Investigation

During a family dinner, Margaret spots the mysterious woman in a red dress, who she had previously seen at the hospital. Intrigued, Margaret decides to follow her, accompanied by the enthusiastic Lee sisters. They end up at a cat show, initially suspecting the woman of targeting a cat show judge. Margaret eventually realizes that the woman's true target is Judge Ortiz, who happens to be showcasing his cat.

The Karen Room and Unexpected Allies

Margaret's attempt to warn Judge Ortiz is thwarted when she is apprehended by two FBI agents who don't believe her claims. She is placed in a room with other women, including the Lee sisters, whom she had managed to bring along. Determined to escape, Margaret confronts the guard, threatening him with charges, ultimately securing their release.

Unraveling the Mystery

Back at the hospital, Todd forms an unexpected bond with his new roommate, private detective Dick Franks. Together, they discover crucial information about Todd's former roommate, Stephan Dobson, and his suspicious death. Allison uncovers discrepancies in Stephan's medical chart, revealing a deadly allergic reaction to penicillin, which raises suspicions about his brother, Tobias Dobson, and his wife, Felicia.

The Confrontation and Resolution

Margaret and the Lee sisters follow Felicia to their condo complex, where they stumble upon a memorial for Stephan. As the pieces fall into place, Margaret learns that Judge Ortiz was presiding over a case involving the Portland Paper Mill, owned by Tobias and Stephan Dobson. Meanwhile, Todd reveals his knowledge of the penicillin connection, leading Tobias to head to the hospital to silence him.

A Trap Set and Justice Served

With Todd, Allison, and Dick prepared for Tobias's arrival, Margaret contacts the police, who apprehend him. The truth behind the murder plot is exposed, as it is revealed that Felicia had administered the fatal penicillin dose to Stephan. The Lee sisters, impressed by Margaret's tenacity and investigative skills, ultimately decide to hire the firm.


So Help Me Todd Season 2 Episode 4 delivers a captivating storyline, blending legal drama with a thrilling murder conspiracy. As Todd's claims of overhearing a murder plot unfold, Margaret navigates the challenges of impressing the Lee sisters while unraveling the truth. With unexpected allies and a gripping climax, this episode keeps viewers on the edge of their seats.

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