Coronado Public Library Clarifies Meeting Space Policies

Coronado Public Library addresses concerns raised by a local story time group regarding access to meeting spaces. The library is updating its policy to ensure inclusivity and clarify guidelines for non-library sponsored programming.

Coronado Public Library Addresses Meeting Space Access Concerns

Coronado Public Library Clarifies Meeting Space Policies - -798125752

( Credit to: Coronadotimes )

The Coronado Public Library is taking steps to address concerns raised by a local story time group regarding access to meeting spaces. The library recognizes the importance of inclusivity and is updating its policies to ensure that all community members have equal opportunities to utilize its facilities.

Rachel Racz, the founder of Tiny Patriots Story Time, recently demanded the right to rent community space at the library after being denied meeting space for Veteran's Day and Christmas-themed children's story hours. In response to this issue, the city has reviewed its policy on reservations of library spaces.

Proposed Policy Changes to Clarify Meeting Space Access

The current policy on reservations of library spaces, which has not been updated since 2009 and is based on a 1983 edition, was found to be outdated. City Manager Tina Friend has proposed changes to the library's policy during a recent meeting of the Library Board of Trustees.

The proposed policy revision for 2024 aims to clarify guidelines for non-library sponsored programming and maintain the prohibition of for-profit organizations from renting library meeting rooms. The revised policy emphasizes that room usage should be limited to civic, cultural, educational, informational, or charitable purposes that align with the library's mission, vision, and values.

If approved by the Library Board of Trustees, the new policy will take effect in a few months. This timeframe allows for administrative changes to the reservation system and notification of current reservation holders about the policy changes.

Addressing Concerns and Creating an Inclusive Environment

The Coronado Public Library plays a vital role in the community, and it is important for its policies to reflect the needs and values of its patrons. By clarifying the parameters for accessing meeting spaces, the library aims to create an inclusive and welcoming environment for all residents of Coronado.

City Manager Tina Friend emphasized that the library remains a community hub, welcoming all individuals and providing a space for diverse viewpoints, ideas, and expressions.

Preview Event and Positive Outlook

Rachel Racz will be hosting a preview event of Tiny Patriots Story Time at the library's Ruby Room on March 27, followed by a larger event at the Winn Room on May 2. She expressed her excitement about the library's decision to address her concerns but also noted the negative backlash she faced in the community.

The issue sparked heated debates both in Coronado and beyond. Racz's story gained national attention, with her appearing on Fox News to shed light on the situation. Unfortunately, this also led to a wave of negative comments, some even inciting violence, which were submitted to the library's suggestion box.

Racz clarified that her intention was never for the story to escalate negatively. She emphasized that her fight was solely about using the Winn Room like any other community member. However, she found herself wrongly associated with the controversial Awaken Church and faced accusations of book banning. Some individuals even contacted the U.S. Navy, seeking disciplinary action against her husband, who is a Navy SEAL.

Racz sent her demand letter alongside Jessica Tompane, who had been advocating for policy changes at the library regarding content available to young patrons. Despite the challenges, Racz expressed pride in standing up for her beliefs and appreciation for the city's efforts to address her concerns.


The Library Board of Trustees will convene on April 9 to further discuss the proposed policy changes. The library's commitment to inclusivity and creating an environment that aligns with its mission, vision, and values is commendable. With the updated policies, the Coronado Public Library will continue to serve as a community hub that welcomes all individuals and provides a space for diverse programming and expression.

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