Real Housewives of Beverly Hills: Drama Unleashed in Barcelona

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills take their drama to Barcelona, turning a fun night into a screaming match. Sutton brings the ashes of a dear friend, sparking controversy. Annemarie confronts Crystal about hurtful comments, leading to a heated exchange. Erika shares a legal victory, while tensions rise and alliances shift. Get all the juicy details of the explosive drama that unfolds in this episode.

Prepping for the Girls' Trip

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills get ready for their trip to Barcelona. Find out how each woman prepares and the unexpected duo that steals the show.

Real Housewives of Beverly Hills: Drama Unleashed in Barcelona - 1883166897

Garcelle, Crystal, Sutton, and the rest of the ladies are excited for their girls' trip to Barcelona. Each woman has her own unique way of prepping for the adventure.

Garcelle is hyped about traveling with glam, while Crystal seeks fashion advice from her housekeeper. Sutton and Avi, on the other hand, surprise everyone with their dynamic duo.

Sutton even brings the ashes of her dear friend, Merce Cunningham, to spread somewhere significant in Barcelona. The ladies are both touched and puzzled by this gesture.

Unleashing the Drama

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills turn a fun night into a screaming match in Barcelona. Discover the heated confrontations and shocking revelations that unfold.

Once the ladies arrive in Barcelona, tensions start to rise. Sutton brings out a game that forces the women to reveal how little they know about her, leading to some surprising results.

But it's Annemarie who ignites the drama when she confronts Crystal about hurtful comments. The argument escalates as Annemarie accuses Crystal of belittling the other ladies and trying to portray herself as superior.

As the accusations fly, Erika shares a legal victory regarding the infamous earrings, further fueling the tension among the group. The episode ends with unresolved conflicts and shifting alliances.

Exploring Barcelona's Haunted Estate

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills stay in a historic and possibly haunted estate in Barcelona. Experience their reactions and encounters with the supernatural.

The ladies are in for a spooky surprise when they arrive at the 14th-century estate. Sutton reveals that it holds sentimental value as one of the first places where the Merce Cunningham dance company performed in Europe.

As they explore the estate, the women learn that it may be haunted. Erika claims to have the ability to smell spirits, while Garcelle shares her beliefs in voodoo and witchcraft due to her Haitian background.

Despite the eerie atmosphere, the ladies try to make the most of their stay, even drawing lots for their rooms instead of fighting over the best ones. The presence of the ghosts adds an extra layer of intrigue to their Barcelona adventure.

Confrontations and Confessions

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills face off in Barcelona, with secrets and confrontations coming to light. Discover the explosive moments and shifting dynamics within the group.

The drama continues as Annemarie reveals more shocking statements made by Crystal. Accusations of being fake socialites and claims of superiority create a tense atmosphere.

Garcelle and Dorit question Crystal's intentions and her perception of the other ladies' intelligence. The confrontation escalates, with Annemarie demanding an apology and Crystal defending herself against the accusations.

Meanwhile, Erika shares a legal victory regarding the earrings, adding another layer of tension to the group dynamics. As the episode unfolds, alliances shift and unresolved conflicts hang in the air.

Barcelona Adventures and Unexpected Bonds

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills embark on various adventures in Barcelona, leading to unexpected connections and moments of bonding. Discover the lighter side of their trip.

Amidst the drama, the ladies also find time for fun and exploration in Barcelona. They indulge in the local cuisine, immerse themselves in Spanish culture, and enjoy the beautiful surroundings.

Despite their differences, they come together for activities like visiting a chapel to state their intentions for the trip. This leads to moments of reflection and unexpected bonding among the group.

As the trip progresses, the women's relationships evolve, revealing a different side to their personalities. Barcelona becomes the backdrop for both drama and unexpected connections.

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